EURAMED rocc-n-roll

EURopeAn MEDical application and Radiation prOteCtion Concept

Strategic research agenda aNd ROadmap interLinking to heaLth and digitisation aspects Purpose

Medical applications of ionizing radiation (IR) offer great opportunities for patient diagnosis and treatment. A common approach with synergies from various areas is needed, bringing together the radiation protection perspective and the disease diagnosis and treatment perspective as driven by the health sector, for example. Acknowledging the importance of medical applications as the largest man-made source of exposure and the great possibilities of applying IR in medicine, the EURATOM programme has launched a call for a coordination and support action to develop a strategic research agenda (SRA) on medical applications of IR.


As a response, a consortium called “EURAMED rocc-n-roll” of 29 European partners representing a large number of disciplines, has formed to develop such an SRA until Aug. 2023. The major goal is to optimize the use of IR in medicine and thereby improve its benefit to Europe’s patients, with a strong focus on the patient perspective and highlighting the potential of individualized radiation-based medicine for combating cancer and other diseases. A European consensus will be generated incorporating research needs, gaps, challenges, opportunities and priorities in the fields in the upcoming decades, via interactive exchanges among industries, suppliers, healthcare professionals, professional and scientific organizations, and regulatory bodies. Therefore, EURAMED rocc-n-roll is conducting a series of survey, literature review, workshops and consultation panels among interested stakeholders, consortium members and external experts.

Consortium structure

The 29 European partners formed in total 27 specific task panels under 7 work packages.



Figure 1: PERT network chart of the EURAMED rocc-n-roll Project, demonstrating interrelation of WPs

 My role

I assistant Christoph Hoeschen - the chair & scientific coordinator of the project, to follow up, guide, interlink the scientific progress of our partners. I contribute to organizing meetings, workshops, conference as well as scientific writing, presentation.

In case of further interest in our project, I am happy to be reached via my email. See on this page for the email !

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